Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Have I gone nuts........or should that be barking crazy?I have pictures of hounds on my walls and my locker at work.No longer have any clean clothes that don't have kennel paint or little rips or holes from over eager hounds.Spend most of my free time at the kennels and forget to do things like buy human stuff.Talk about greyhounds at work to much eg. "Staff meeting today at 9am and no Alex for the hundrenth time we will not be converting part of the building into a greyhound creshe anytime soon."Thinking of trading in the cool sporty saloon for... one of those boxy estate things even though I don't own a hound yet but usually have one in the back at least once a fortnight for special walkies or events. Oh well at least it had better be a very cool estate- is that a contradiction in terms?Forgetting all about social life, which is a good thing my last chat up line was something like "Hi, do you like greyhounds?" Doesn't really cut much ice. Besides all that dating stuff gets in the way of more important things like greyhound walking and grooming.Neglected current friends, they are all at the "come over and meet our new baby!" stage. Why the heck would I want to that? If it was "Come over and meet our new greyhound" then hey now we are talking!Fighting a sudden urge to sniff strangers bottoms. Okay I made that last bit up but its only a matter of time at this rate.Help me!!!!

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